checks - Alta Log Homes Blog | Alta Log Homes

Alta Log Homes Blog

Since 1971 Alta Log Homes has been a leader in the industry because it provides a top quality crafted home with the most extensive design flexibility in the industry.

Sealing Checks in Logs

It is virtually impossible to prevent logs from developing cracks and checks as they age and dry. That’s because as a large piece of wood seasons, mechanical stresses build up until the surface stress becomes so great that the wood cracks. We call these stress cracks “checks.”

Do checks need to be sealed? Upward facing checks can collect water, increasing the interior moisture content of the log. If they continue to collect water and the wood remains damp, they can eventually result in internal wood decay as well as provide nesting sites for carpenter ants and other insects. It is not necessary to seal checks on the bottom half of round logs since they do not collect water, but for a uniform appearance you may want to seal them, too. It is not usually necessary to seal checks or fissures that are less than 1/4” wide, since they cannot accumulate that much water.

If your home is new and the logs or siding are green, it may be best to wait a year or so before addressing the checks. This allows the wood to reach an equilibrium with its environment and by then most of the larger checks will have opened. On seasoned wood or an older home that’s in the process of being refinished you can seal the checks either before or after applying a stain.

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Since 1971 Alta Log Homes has been a leader in the industry because it provides a top quality crafted home with the most...